- National Veterinary Laboratory, Inc.

bacteria (283) inflammation (244) quintana (21) bartonella (7) inflammatory diseases (6) feline leukemia virus (2) feline immunodeficiency virus (1) cat scratch disease (1) henselae (1) vinsonii (1)

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In 1972 we developed the first FeLV test, the FeLeuk ® IFA Test. Using this test, we elucidated many of the diseases caused by FeLV and developed a test method to control and prevent the spread of the virus between cats. The FeLeuk ® Test is considered the Gold Standard test for FeLV tests. We have since performed more than 1,300,000 FeLeuk ® Tests.

The National Veterinary Laboratory developed an accurate test, the Fe Bart ® Test, to detect infections with the "cat scratch disease" bacteria Bartonella in cats. The accuracy of the Fe Bart ® Test was verified through testing of more than 5,000 cats over a five year period. Bartonella can cause diseases in cats and, when transmitted from cats to people, may induce 22 serious illnesses.

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