- Nature Views of the Pacific NW – Occasional thoughts about exploring the outdoors in this corner of the US, and beyond.

Description: Occasional thoughts about exploring the outdoors in this corner of the US, and beyond.

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It was a little shocking to leave the relatively rural Mato Grosso and fly into São Paulo, a city of 20 million people. There are more buildings in this megalopolis than there are people in many major cities. Approaching the airport, the vista was that of a concrete jungle. Once we arrived and met up with out new driver, the shock was not over. Brasil was on the verge of another presidential election after the prior election a month earlier resulted in no candidate receiving a majority of votes. This electi

A couple hours later and we were finally able to make a few birding stops en route, one of which was productive, at a marsh bordering the Rio Sarapuí. We could see several Eared Dove and a couple Common Gallinule, both new for the trip, as well as a calling and visible Southern Yellowthroat, also new for the main trip. A Sooty Tyrannulet was bouncing around the small stream feeding the marsh. This was the only time we would see this species.

We left the highway at about 900 m to descend to our final lodging at Pousada Salve Floresta , situated in the valley at about 300 m. The ride down the valley and our entry into the pousada was in continuous rain. So we mostly took the time to get properly situated in our cabins and to wait for dinner as light was fading. As this was a weekend, the pousada was near full, with several families and couples.