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Sports in the United Kingdom has evolved to international standards. Talk about gymnastics, football, cricket, archery, hockey, mountain climbing, athletics, swimming, canoeing, skiing, lawn tennis, table tennis among many others. Gone are the days when Britain sports centers and stadiums could only hold small events and tournaments. Nowadays teams from all over the world come to train and compete in the United Kingdom thanks to the emergence of national sports centers of world class standards.

These centers have outdone themselves. They provide the latest and fanciest equipment to England’s top sportsmen and women. The centers have state of the art facilities in place. Fine dining and wining, serene environments and 5-star accommodation are some of the perks provided for both local and international athletes. Gyms, medical centers, WiFi, well-architectured pitches and courts, bars, restaurants, flat screen television sets are some of the popular resources found in every national sports center.

We are committed to keeping you in the loop about national sports centers in the United Kingdom. What makes a sports center to be a national sports center? Which are the best national sports centers in the UK? What sports are facilitated at which national sports centers? What facilities cut across all sports centers?