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In the week since my last post I’ve done very little memorizing, but I’ve still achieved a small milestone of sorts: I’ve memorized my first chapter in Hebrew. I had been memorizing Psalm 23 in Hebrew for a couple months now, but it was coming slowly. (I’ve been learning Modern Hebrew, but I haven’t studied Biblical Hebrew since I took two semesters of it probably fifteen years ago. It has enough differences, and there are enough new vocabulary words that Psalm 23 was coming slowly for me.) So in the proces

But this last week I needed a break from Greek, so I switched back to Hebrew. This last week seemed especially appropriate for Psalm 23, and many other things, such as a friend providing Lenten meditations on it this week, helped keep it on my mind all week. Another of those things was starting to read a book by Dallas Willard (published posthumously) called Life Without Lack, focused on Psalm 23.

In the introduction to the book, Dallas Willard says this about memorization: