- Nathan King

Example domain paragraphs

Since OpenAI released its large language model (LLM) chatbot, ChatGPT, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have entered mainstream discourse. The reaction has been a mix of skepticism, trepidation, and panic as the public comes to terms with how this technology will shape our future. Many fail to realize that machine learning already shapes the present, and many developers have been grappling with introducing this technology into products and services for years. Machine learning models are used to

I strongly dislike the term "artificial intelligence" because what the phrase describes is a mirage. There is no complex thought process at work – the model doesn't even understand the information it is processing. In a nutshell, OpenAI's model powering ChatGPT calculates the statistically most probable next word given the immediately surrounding context based on the enormous amount of information developers used to train the model.

Let's say we compiled an accurate dataset containing the time it takes for an object to fall from specific heights: