- Natasha Jaques

Example domain paragraphs

Social learning helps humans and animals rapidly adapt to new circumstances, and drives the emergence of complex learned behaviors. My research is focused on Social Reinforcement Learning —developing algorithms that combine insights from social learning and multi-agent training to improve AI agents’ learning , generalization , coordination , and human-AI interaction .

I am currently a Senior Research Scientist at Google Brain . From 2020-2022 I held this position jointly with a Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar position at UC Berkeley , in Sergey Levine’s group. Before that, I received my PhD from MIT , where I worked on Affective Computing and deep / reinforcement / machine learning in Rosalind Picard’s group. I have interned at DeepMind, Google Brain, and worked as an OpenAI Scholars mentor.

I will be joining the University of Washington School of Computer Science as an assistant professor starting in January 2024. If you are interested in joining my lab as a PhD student, please consider applying to UW! Be sure to mention my name in your application.