- Natasha Bajema – Fiction author, podcast host, producer, and national security expert


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Seventeen-year-old Mackenzie Beaumont, separated from her mom and sister, lives in a postwar society founded on principle of total surveillance. To survive, she’s given up her right to privacy and must live by strict rules. Frustrated with her inability to see her family, she prevents the Palisades supercomputer from tracking her with signal blockers and inadvertently helps an underground movement called the Resistance. Will she accept their offer to escape or try to play the game?

Read 3 episodes for free on Kindle Vella.

The year is 2033. Warfare is taking place at the speed of machines, and the decision-making window for launching nuclear weapons is closing fast. To prevent nuclear adversaries from exploiting a time advantage, the U.S. government relies upon an automated nuclear command and control system, designed to rapidly deliver nuclear weapons.