- Narrowboat Tacet

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Hi, nb Tacet here.  I see this blog has had no postings for a while, it seems the Skipper and his First Mate have disappeared off, goodness knows where and I’ve been left sitting and reminiscing about my journeys over the past 14 years. So perhaps I’d better see if I can make sense of what’s going on.

It all started with a plan hatched out by Mr and Mrs Cole back in the 1990’s with boat builders Alexander and fitters at Riverview, resulting in the fine looking vessel I became. I was named Tacet by the musical Mr Cole, it’s an orchestral term to mark a quiet rest in an instruments performance. And that is what I hope those who spend time with me along the canals find…….a quiet, peaceful and relaxing rest.

After some nine or ten years taking the family away for holidays I was entrusted to Ian and Karen, the Skipper and First Mate, and wow, what a time we’ve had.  After a year of getting to know each other with short trips whenever work commitments would allow, they moved themselves on board, with that rascally hound, Jumble and we were off.  Leaving behind a house, their children were away at uni apparently and so they were free to go exploring. I was happy to oblige with my well fitted, homely interior, and