- NRS | Software Engineer

Description: Merging Tech, Business, and Creativity

Example domain paragraphs

I've built sites ranging from simple portfolios, eCommerce shops, to data driven B2B web apps with machine learning and data visualizations. Some of my freelance web development experience has been with Shopify, Wix, and SquareSpace. I've also worked on a freelance project that designed a custom API that integrated with 3rd party APIs to automate inventory and sales.

In 2017, I attended UCLA's Bootcamp to accelerate my learning and gain knowledge of the Node.js ecosystem. Since then, I fell in love with & have been primarily using React in web applications. For static sites, I love using Gatsby for creating blazing fast, SEO-driven headless frontend user interfaces (like this site).

UA Software Engineer II | 2020 - Present focuses on implementing advanced mar-tech and custom automation to make existing orgs more efficient. We work as an extension of your team, creating a growth machine that enables UA groups to spend more with fewer people.