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Late last year, IBM took the record for the largest quantum computing system with a processor that contained 433 quantum bits , or qubits , the fundamental building blocks of quantum information processing . Now, the company has set its sights on a much bigger target:  a 100,000-qubit machine that it aims to build within 10 years .  IBM made the announcement on May 22 at the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan. The company will partner with the University of Tokyo and the University of Chicago in a $100 million d

Or at least it can’t solve them alone . The idea is that the 100,000 qubits will work alongside the best “ classical ” supercomputers to achieve new breakthroughs in drug discovery, fertilizer production, battery performance, and a host of other applications. “ I call this quantum-centric supercomputing, ” IBM’s VP of quantum, Jay Gambetta, told MIT Technology Review in an in-person interview in London last week.

Quantum computing holds and processes information in a way that exploits the unique properties of fundamental particles: electrons, atoms, and small molecules can exist in multiple energy states at once , a phenomenon known as superposition , and the states of particles can become linked , or entangled , with one another. This means that information can be encoded and manipulated in novel ways, opening the door to a swath of classically impossible computing tasks . As yet, quantum computers have not achieve

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