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Search for: Search for: Search Close search bar 1 OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY*: 5PM FRIDAY JULY 12TH. OFFICIAL CLOSING CEREMONY: 3PM MONDAY JULY 15TH. *Convention programming will start on the morning of Friday, July 12th.

Just like Holy Wood, the North American Discworld Convention appeared as if by magic at the Westin LAX and has since set sail again, waiting to rise another day. If you listen carefully, you will hear the clicka clicka click of the concom finishing up their typing... With great thanks to all who came, supported, shared and retweeted, and for making this possible, and you like us, you really ook ook oook ook oook ook... ☼ warning ☼ ☼ warning ☼ +++ out of cheese error +++ Redo from start +++

Our theme for 2019 was all about Holy Wood and all the glory of Moving Pictures! From Friday July 12th, through Monday July 15th, we made the Westin LAX in sunny California our Click Haven. "In a World Gonne Madde", many joined us for "The Motione-Pictures They Could Not Banne! Scorching Adventures In the White-Hotte Dawne of a New Continont!" Did you get the stars in your eyes?