- Mystery Spot Books

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In collaboration with a group of artists, scholars and community organizers, MSB is creating a series of published materials, visual and textual, exploring the current energy landscapes of the St. Louis area. Having completed the initial research phase through a residency at The Luminary , MSB is developing prints, zines, and book materials around the complex infrastructure, histories, and eco-social impacts of coal and oil found at the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.

Mystery Spot Books produces small-run artist books, zines, and other publications that trace the contours and quirks of place-based experience in the human-altered landscape. Named for the tourist trap wonder attractions often encountered on road trips around the United States, Mystery Spot is a project of Minneapolis-based artist Chad Rutter and Austin-based writer Emily Roehl. Mystery Spot investigates the persistence of place in the face of the abstractions and simplifications of the mass media in a way

Brainfreeze (Nashville, TN)

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