- Recyclable Lifetime Consumer Debt

Description: Our organization is focused on addressing the issue of multi-generational poverty and consumer debt.

money (3955) taxes (1763) economy (1322) debt (823) rlcd (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Recyclable lifetime consumer debt is the total amount of consumer debt that an individual creates during their entire lifetime as a result of striving for and pursuing their personal consumption wants, needs, and desires.

The issue of multigenerational poverty and consumer debt has affected mankind and modern society since the dawn of time. We're doing our part to help address this burden on humanity. Recyclable Lifetime Consumer Debt is generated 24 hours per day...Yet, the debt service available to pay for this RLCD is based upon wages that a person earns usually working 8-12 hours per day most of their lives. In other words, it is mathematically impossible for you to pay off a debt that grows 2-3x faster than the rate at

No man, woman, or child should be a slave to debt. If somehow the continuous cycle of consumer debt could be broken, then the major problem of multigenerational poverty and debt could perhaps be resolved. In contrast to the typical consumer debt cycle motivated by spending, we disrupt this never-ending cycle by having the consumer buy all of there own past and future debts.