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Mystery Lover...but overall a very eclectic reader. Will read everything from the classics to historical fiction. Biography to essays. Not into horror or much into YA. If you would like me to review a book, then please see my stated review policy BEFORE emailing me. Please Note: This is a book blog. It is not a platform for advertising. Please do NOT contact me to ask that I promote your NON-book websites or products. Thank you.

When Captain Bill Weigand is faced with the murder of Jameson Elwell, a well-known psychologist, he must decide if it is a murder of revenge, murder to cover other murder, murder for money, or murder by suggestion. Because the big question is--can a subject be instructed by a good hypnotist to kill? Experts in the field say no--but there are those who think otherwise. Sergeant Mullins isn't too crazy about the hypnotism connection, but he is relieved to find that the Norths don't seem to be in it. Not that

So, everything's fine, even with young men who break clocks and young women who appear out of apparently empty closets...until he finds out about the cats. It seems that Elwell and his protege, Carl Hunter, have been doing experiments with cats. And where there's cats, at least in Mullins' mind, the Norths are soon to follow.