- IoT篳路藍縷

Example domain paragraphs

wget https :// www . python . org / ftp / python / 3.5 . 1 / Python - 3.5 . 1.tar . xz tar xfvJ Python - 3.5 . 1.tar . xz cd Python - 3.5 . 1 ./ configure -- prefix =/ opt / python3 . 5 make # To make idle3.5, you need tk's development to produce tkinter sudo apt - get install tk8 . 6 - dev sudo make install Your python 3.5 interpreter will be located in  /opt/python3.5/bin/python3.5 . Your Integrated DeveLopment Environment is also found in  /opt/python3.5/bin/idle3.5 . To facilitate use you can symlink th