- my foggy brain – invisible illness… visible me. living with fibromyalgia, depression and ADD.

Description: invisible illness... visible me. living with fibromyalgia, depression and ADD.

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October 17, 2009 was my first official WordPress post to My Foggy Brain. Since that date I have written a total of 150 posts (including this one). I have been blessed with close to 123K views of my various pages and posts and 63K visitors from over 150 countries. WOW! That is craziness… I had no idea when I wrote that first post that anyone would read it, much less 63K people! THANK YOU!

When I think about those very early days of trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me and the frustrating years until I was finally diagnosed… the first thing that comes to mind is grey. Just a whole lot of shades of grey… I was extremely depressed and feeling very alone. I was struggling to find the desire and motivation to live… There was hardly any information on Fibromyalgia readily available. I would go to the bookstore and search online to find and buy every single book I could find that ha

I started writing because I needed an outlet. I wondered if there was anyone out there struggling like me… I wondered if there were folks looking for a place where they could feel hope. The blogs I was reading were of people going through similar struggles, but I couldn’t read them because the posts were full of pain and sadness… so, on October 17th, 2009, I created this blog.