- My Cat Has Allergies | Our personal experience with the resources needed to treat a cat with allergies

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This is the story of our quest to diagnose and treat our cat Beavis’ allergies. We hope that our story, the numerous steps we went through to find a way to manage Beavis’ allergies, and the links provided will help others treat their pet.

Beavis’ allergies began as a single red sore on his stomach. At first we thought he may have injured himself (he’s one of the clumsiest cats we’ve ever seen), but shortly after the first sore appeared, we moved from the north to the south and the number of sores began to increase. Along with the sores, came nearly constant licking. Beavis would sit in the floor and lick area after area of his body nonstop. So, we loaded him up and took him to our new vet who examined him for fleas. After finding none, he pr

The steroid shots continued to work, but the food did not seem to be effective. Food is a common cause of cat allergies, but it didn’t look like food alone was the issue for Beavis. He began to need the shots more often. At first it was every other month, but eventually, he got to where he needed another shot every month. Around that time we moved to another city. While we didn’t realize it at the time, it meant that we would have to start over with a brand new Vet.