- Martin Ström

Description: Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search resu...

Example domain paragraphs

We’ve decided to shut down in the next months. Peter wrote about the project on his site:

In 2009 Konst & Teknik & Martin launched, a “web service for making and sharing lists with links”.

At the time, we were disappointed of recent developments with, a link sharing service we felt had headed off in the wrong direction by completely ignoring its most interesting aspect — the community contributing to the site. But more importunately, we thought a service for collecting links in lists for easy collaboration and sharing was missing (keep in mind this was before the breakthrough of Dropbox, Google Drive, etc). And when we noticed the domain name was available, well… we just

Links to (4)