- Expert nutritionnel du sport depuis 1996 - MX3 Nutrition®

Description: Depuis plus de 25 ans MX3 construit un ADN puissant autour des sports d’outdoor avec une seule promesse : optimiser les performances physiques etcognitives des sportifs en conditions extrêmes, grâce à des solutions nutritionnelles premiums.

Example domain paragraphs

"After consuming MX3 isotonic drinks and energy gels throughout my career with Team Direct Energie (MX3 is the official supplier), I become the brand's official ambassador. Our collaboration is based on the strong sports values ​​we share." See more ->

Every athlete is unique but the same passion and determination bring us together. To meet the specific needs of every athletes, the MX3 team uses the same passion and determination to develop and manufacture safe and performant products. Our commitment? To provide the athletes the energy to push themselves to the limit.

MX3 Extrême

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