- Music - Wikipedia

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In the most general of terms, music is the arrangement of sound to create some combination of form , harmony , melody , rhythm , or otherwise expressive content . [1] [2] [3] Definitions of music vary depending on culture, [4] though it is an aspect of all human societies and a cultural universal . [5] While scholars agree that music is defined by a few specific elements , there is no consensus on their precise definitions. [6] The creation of music is commonly divided into musical composition , musical imp

In some musical contexts, a performance or composition may be to some extent improvised . For instance, in Hindustani classical music , the performer plays spontaneously while following a partially defined structure and using characteristic motifs. In modal jazz , the performers may take turns leading and responding while sharing a changing set of notes. In a free jazz context, there may be no structure whatsoever, with each performer acting at their discretion. Music may be deliberately composed to be unpe

Music often plays a key role in social activities, religious rituals , rite of passage ceremonies, celebrations, and cultural activities. The music industry includes songwriters, performers, sound engineers , producers, tour organizers, distributors of instruments, accessories, and sheet music . Compositions, performances, and recordings are assessed and evaluated by music critics , music journalists, and music scholars , as well as amateurs.