- Museum of Education

Description: The Museum of Education, founded in 1977, is an experimental project and research unit of the College of Education.

education (20193) history (7386) museum (4778) library (2135) archives (650) history of education (7) museum of education (1)

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The Museum of Education is pleased to release its Secondary School Study narratives publication, Becoming an African American Progressive Educator: Narratives from 1940s Black Progressive High Schools . Proceed to this website to download the pdf file.

2019 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award

“Resurrecting significant and lost voices of educators Miss Prim, Miss Parker, Mrs. Thomas, and graduating seniors Sarah and Herbert, this edited collection of rich narratives and creative nonfiction portrays elegantly what it meant to ‘become’ an African American progressive educator in the South in the 1940s and 1950s, animated by educators committed at once to equity, excellence, building character, and preparing students immersed in life journeys littered with racism.” Michelle Fine, Distinguished Profe