- Home Page Museo Origini Uomo

Description: Arte paleolitica, post paleolitica e storica bidimensionale e tridimensionale con interpretazione delle funzioni attraverso rapporti evoluzionistici; immagini con didascalie, in italiano e in inglese. Evolutionistic rapports with Paleolithic, post-paleolithic and historic two- and three-dimensional art; texts, images, and figure captions, both in italian and english.

art (55500) arte (5330) spiritualita' (27) hominids (2) museo origini uomo (1) ominidi (1) funzioni arte (1) rapporti evoluzionistici (1) the most ancient works of art (1) hominid spiritual life (1)

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Welcome to the  Museum of the Origins of Man  Web Site


The  Museum of the Origins of Man  is the most complete Web resource for the study of Lower and Middle Paleolithic art, covering 98.40 % of mankind's existence (from 2,500,000 to 40,000 years ago).  This art is exclusively lithic sculpture, as painting had not yet been invented. Sculptures with absolute dating discovered and studied by academic researchers, published here, are a guarantee of the origin and contemporaneity of these sculptures, produced for for worship rites, with the stone tools produced for

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