Example domain paragraphs

MURMUR is a cinematic examination of a deadly game posing as an entertainment app in a narcissistic world dominated by social media. Teenagers today experience the world through their phones, and the games they play have all the bells and whistles of slot machines. They aren’t just gaming. They’re gambling.

MURMUR is much more than a technophobic horror film. At its core, it’s about our willingness to carry around a device that distorts, manipulates, and destabilizes our reality. A seductive black box that captures, stores, and even sells our most sacred memories. Its power to persuade can be truly terrifying.

The majority of the population now witnesses the world through their smartphones; their reality is anything but real. It’s all been augmented to encourage clicks and collect hearts - from filters to news feeds. It’s a blindfold that only wants us to see the best versions of each other and ourselves.

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