- Notes From Kenya: MSU Hyena Research

Description: Michigan State University zoology students in the Kay Holekamp Lab blog about their experiences studying spotted hyenas in Kenya.

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Michigan State University students in the Holekamp Lab blog about their experiences in Kenya, research on spotted hyenas and adventures in the field.

Jambo! My name is Kayla Fowler, and I’m here to tell you a little bit about the time I spent this past semester with the Mara Hyena Project. I always knew I wanted to work with animals. Living in Chicago meant frequent trips to Brookfield Zoo, and I would spend the entire day just watching the animals do what they do (sorry Mom and Dad – I know you probably didn’t want to spend an hour watching the zebras!). I grew to love and appreciate the animals, especially large mammals, and it became my dream to see t

I spent four months at the Project’s Serena Camp with Jana Woerner (who many of you alr eady know from previous blog posts), and I can confidently say that the experience changed my life. Waking up every morning and being surrounded by such an incredible diversity of untouched nature and wildlife was a gift, and the work was so fun to be a pa rt of (...although I could have done without mashing up stinky fecal samples. Yuck!). I worked with Jana to do the regular behavioral observations that the Project is