- Matvey Solomakho

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I am currently a student at UCF studying Game Design. I see games as a medium for storytelling, I often compare them to books and movies. Books have the ability to allow you to create the visual aspect of the story in your head, while movies are the opposite, they already tell you the visual story, and you are left wondering why a character has made the decisions that he had. Video Games are a combination of movies and books, they tell you the story visually, and they add a character story which can create

My work primarily is driven by a story behind it, I want viewers to see an image and start asking themselves questions, who is this, or why is it like that? I aspire to create stories through video games, that leave people with some sort of emotion, it can be happy, or sad, but that is exactly what makes games special.

You can find my work here &#8595