- Ms Kate Sinclaire | porn, privacy, and worker rights

Description: porn, privacy, and worker rights

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It’s that time of year again! Your favourite Canadian smut team at Ciné Sinclaire are rounding up their favourite short films of the year for a screening unlike any other – but this time there’s a twist! This year, we are stepping it up and hitting the road! May/June of 2022, and the fall of 2022 will see Nuit Raunch tour Canada with these smutty selections, reaching folks in Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Kamloops, Vancouver, Calgary, Regina, Toronto, Montreal, and more.

We want to include your work! Submissions are open to all, from any part of the world. All performers and crew must have been over the age of 18 at time of production, you must attest this prior to the film’s final acceptance.