Description: When the defaults just aren't enough

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LANRAT When the defaults just aren't enough

Ian Foster When the defaults just aren’t enough Creating a Mikrotik BGP.Tools Session When running a network with its own ASN, you will likely end up spending some time working with BGP. Knowing how your peer networks connect can help with your own network planning. BGP.Tools is a service that maps out different networks and the routes between them by having networks opt to provide with a BGP session sharing their exportable routes. This guide will walk you through setting up a BGP....

Recent versions of Ubuntu are shipping with Snapcraft by default, and some of the default applications run inside a snap as well. Snaps are application containers, similar to Docker, but designed for desktop applications. Unfortunately Canonical seems to be pushing Snaps hard, and they are not always wanted. This is made worse by not providing an easy way to remove the snap functionality for Ubuntu. The commands bellow will entirely remove snap from an Ubuntu installation....