- Move Mama Move

Description: Relocating. Motherhood. Health & Fitness. Follow stories, ideas, and tips on moving to a new home, being a mama, and health & fitness.

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Buying a house is an emotional process. There is excitement to own a new home. Fear to commit to such a financial decision. Mental exhaustion to go through all the paperwork. Enjoyment dreaming about how to decorate your new home. You name the emotion, and  …

Moving is stressful. Staying organized while planning a move can be really difficult. With so many moving parts, it can be tough to keep everything in order. You are packing up all of your belongings and moving them to a new location. What happens if  …

Last year, I enrolled Chulengo in preschool to encourage him to socialize with kids his age. He was making friends, learning new skills, and blossoming. I was relying on his part-time preschool gig to give me some time alone to bond with our new baby,  …