- Mould Busters - Mould Busters (part of Building Forensics Ltd)

Description: Mould Busters provide a unique service to clean the air in mould affected buildings. Mould busters remove mould from air Mould Busters reduces the inhalation hazard of mould and its fragments Clean air to remove mould.

air monitoring (44) air cleaning (21) healthy air (11) biotoxin illness (4) mould inhalation (2) airborne mould (1) medical air cleaning (1)

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The real issues of building related illness, mould exposure  and decontamination 

We have been engaged in mould removal and decontamination for over 30 years and two issues have developed in recent years which make professional mould decontamination unaffordable to most. Many expect to throw away all contents, clothing and furniture and some even fear they have to demolish their homes. Some have lived with debilitating illness for years and some simply give up and believe they are incurable. Worst still their families often don't believe their buildings make them sick, not least when the