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Well, folks, I’m back and we’re currently in the midst of my favorite season—football season. Or as I like to call it, Getting Away with Murder season. This is because for 12 hours every Sunday, my husband is so deeply immersed in the games that I can quite literally get away with anything. If you too have a spouse who lives and breathes football, gameday is a great time to tell your spouse you’re thinking of redecorating the living room, becoming a vegan household or switching the chores chart so he/she wi

So, it is with Troy Aikman’s voice droning on in the background that I’ve decided to write about healthy snacks you can bring to your next football viewing party or tailgate. Typically, the only snacks available are wings, pizza and beer, so why not be the beloved person who opts to bring a light bruschetta or a low-fat cheeseball ?!?

I’ve included a few of my new favorites recipes below. But since the people looking up healthy football appetizers aren’t likely regular football viewers, I thought I’d define some football terminology and explain a few rules of the game, so you’ll sound like a pro on gameday.