- mortality bridge

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“ Luminously tragic, darkly funny, and deeply moving , all in turns and sometimes all at once. Boyett is one of the very few writers who will make you eager to go into Hell, and not worry about whether you return.”                                                  —John Scalzi ( Old Man's War )

DECADES AGO a young rock & blues guitarist and junkie named Niko signed in blood on the dotted line and in return became the stuff of music legend. But when the love of his damned life grows mortally and mysteriously ill he realizes he's lost more than he bargained for—and that wasn't part of the Deal.

SO NIKO SETS OUT on a harrowing journey from the streets of Los Angeles through the downtown subway tunnels and across the redlit plain of the most vividly realized Hell since Dante , to play the gig of his mortgaged life and win back the purloined soul of his lost love.

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