- Mooseheadfutures – Mooseheadfutures and their developments (internet related)

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Mooseheadfutures and their developments (internet related)

On Tuesday, August 28th, Rich Newsome picked a jury in Lee County Circuit Court in a motorcycle wrongful death trial involving contested liability.  Witnesses, including the investigating police officer, testified that a 17 year old Sean Parke was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic.  Plaintiffs alleged the defendant was comparatively at fault for turning into the plaintiff’s lane of traffic.  Attorneys Mike Noone and Sheba Abraham of the Goldberg Nooone law firm in Fort Myers tried the case formerly

All of this talk about how judicial term limits would affect the independence of the judiciary is sheer nonsense and misses the mark.  We have a tri-party government at both the federal and state levels.   Divorce preparation services are just around the horizon.  The imposition of term limits at both the federal and state levels upon the executive branch hasn’t impinged upon its independence.  In Florida, the imposition of term limits upon the Legislature hasn’t impinged upon its independence.  The imposit

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