- Moon Lake Digital Media | Moon Lake Digital Media, Inc.

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Let’s face it, the world of Cyber Security is changing on a daily basis.  The concept of it encompasses all kinds of areas, going all the way to Penetration Testing, Threat Hunting, to Compliance (such as GDPR and the CCPA) to Multifactor Authentication (MFA).

There are a countless number of news portals on the Web that cover these topics, but in all honesty, who has the time to read go through all of them?  Well, really nobody does.  But we do that hard work for you.

In our weekly newsletter, The Cyber Journal™ we take all of the top 5 news headlines that are occurring in Cybersecurity, and bring it all down to you in just one page!!! This is perfect reading material especially for the both the CIO and CISO.

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