- A Mommy Montage

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We've officially completed term one and moved on to term two. I am both loving Ambleside and feeling absolutely overwhelmed by it. These first 12 weeks have been a learning curve for both Piper and I. There have been days that have been rich and beautiful and exactly what I want our homeschool to be. There have been other days where I've wanted to throw in the towel and switch curriculum. Thankfully, I am far too frugal to do that so we have plugged away day in and day out. And I really think it will be wor

This morning was filled with the hustle and bustle of layering children with warm clothes and digging out snowsuits and mittens and hats. We got them all suited up and out the door. As Matt buckled them in, I scurried around collecting poppies and diapers and a camera. We drove to a nearby Tim Hortons to purchase coffee and hot chocolate. While waiting in the drive thru line, we decided one child had likely discarded their mittens in the house before getting in the van since they were no where to be seen. S

All photos taken by Renee Walton Photography .