- Maranatha Mirror Messages – Compelling, life sustaining words written by Richard E. Bieber that encourage and inspire us to tur

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Powerful messages  that encourage, inspire, and convict “People of the Way” to enter into the presence of the Living God and to mirror the image of the prec ious Lord Jesus, bringing his life to this hurt and broken world. The messages are written by Richard E. Bieber. A pastor whose prolific writings spanned six decades.

Navigate the menu to learn about Maranatha Mirror and to access hundreds of  free downloadable messages.  

Artwork: The beautiful art featured here enhances the power, depth and visual appeal of the messages. It is by the gracious and kind permission of the artists. We are grateful for their generosity and talent. Clicking on some of the images will forward you to their galleries where you can learn more about them, their faith and their art.                Use the back key to return to this website.