- ChromX | CMC

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100 years. That’s the product service life of ChromX ® 9100 (ASTM A1035-CS), a concrete reinforcing steel that is almost entirely resistant to corrosion. Scientifically engineered, ChromX ® uncoated steel achieves its superior properties of corrosion resistance because of the patented steel microstructure that is formed during production. ChromX ® concrete reinforcing steel exceeds project needs with innovation and precision and can be handled and fabricated like conventional rebar without the risk of damag

Manufactured from recycled scrap metal, ChromX ® rebar can be found in structures around the world including bridges, roads, dams, tunnels, spillways, building structures and parking garages. Learn more about the construction segments that use ChromX ® .  

Martensitic Microcomposite Formable Steel (MMFX) is the innovation behind all ChromX ® products. It is this proprietary steel microstructure, along with a patented chemical composition, that creates the corrosion resistant and high strength properties within the bar, rather than a coating.