- Milton Keynes Mountaineering Club

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After a cycling around Arran last year Alan W wanted to explore the mountains of Arran, and so the idea for this trip was hatched.   Nine other members joined in; one accompanied by his wife.   Most of us arriving on Thursday eager for a long weekend in the mountains, based at Lochranza campsite on the island described as Scotland in miniature. Continue reading →

Recently some members had expressed an interest in learning some valuable self-rescue skills. We should always plan not to get into tricky situations but if that happens, it’s great to be prepared with some simple and improvised techniques to get ourselves out of bother.

The Club was able to book a local MCI  David Whiteley , who owns and operates Adventure Days UK for a 2-day course at Pinnacle Northampton . 6 members self-funded the course and subject to interest we may look to run another fixture in the future. The training requires prior knowledge of abseiling and anchor building but if you are interested, please contact a member of the committee.