mjcardillo.com - Michael Cardillo's Portfolio

Description: A selection of work completed by Michael Cardillo, a software engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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ABOUT SKILLS WORK RESUME GITHUB Hello, World! I'm Michael, a software engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area. I received a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Penn State University, and I've worked in a variety of areas, from web development to Linux kernel development. Outside of coding, I enjoy gaming, hiking and cycling.

Below is an interesting selection of my work. Feel free to contact me with any questions, collaborations or work opportunities!

Frontend HTML JavaScript CSS ReactJS Bootstrap Backend Python Flask/Django Node.JS/Express PostgreSQL Redis Other Docker GitLab CI/CD Prometheus Grafana GNU/Linux WORK Algo-Logic Systems Python Django Flask ReactJS GitLab CI/CD Docker Grafana Prometheus Senior Full Stack software engineer, responsible for several different web systems, CI/CD workflows, and DevOps monitoring