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Description: Wellbeing of the mind and body - in the nature and from the nature. Coaching, training and nature gigs for you and your team.

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Mixing Nuts with Erja Menu Home Individuals Companies Forest Mind method Basic Course in web Guide training in Vantaa International About me Contact info Blog Terms and conditions Privacy Policy More Wellbeing from the nature Wellbeing of the mind and body - in nature and from nature I provide *mind skills development coaching *wellbeing trainings inside and outside *well-being events and activities for your teams *refreshing team walks (using for example the exercises of the Finnish ©Forest Mind -method) a

My passion is to help people to feel good in general and feel good about themselves and their choices in life. Joy in life is our basic right.

In my opinion, recovery is one of the most important skills when we talk about wellbeing in today's hectic life. Many of my activities enhance recovery and bring joy. Another important set of skills are the mind skills. What we think and how we think is crucial for our body and our way of life, and the significance of our internal speech is directly linked to our wellbeing. Our belief system directs us, often unconsciously, and I love working with that topic. To become aware of our programming is very benef