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This music appreciation website, amply stocked with resources tailored to the needs and abilities of individuals without formal music instruction. This site is offered for the convenience of students who have taken one or more of Lorenzo Mitchell’s courses, for Lorenzo’s private students, and for anyone who may be considering taking a future course. More generally, the information collected here can be used by anyone who enjoys classical music to deepen their understanding and enjoyment when attending conce

Lorenzo Mitchell, a member of the Maine Music Teachers Association, has considerable experience leading non-musicians to a richer grasp of classical music. His approach is mostly melodic and structural, with only minimal reference to harmonic theory. Mitchell has developed his unique Music Map System to help those who do not read music to easily see and follow the construction of a composition. Lorenzo Mitchell offers private music appreciation lessons and periodic courses at his home in Blue Hill Maine.

“Lorenzo Mitchell is an extremely well informed and articulate guide to the inner workings of classical music.  He is charming, generous and absolutely clear.  Best of all, his passion and love for music come across every time he opens his mouth.”                                                                         Grammy award winning                                                                         pianist and composer,                                                                         Paul