minedogucu.com - Dr. Mine Dogucu

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Mine Dogucu

I am a Lecturer (Teaching) in the Department of Statistical Science at University College London and I am currently on leave from my Assistant Professor of Teaching (tenure-track) position in the Department of Statistics at University of California Irvine. I am an educator with an interest in statistics and data science education and I am an applied statistician with experience in educational research. In short, my educational work is in statistics and data science and my statistics and data science work is

I am the lead PI on the NSF-funded project Advancing Bayesian Thinking in STEM , a co-PI on the NSF-funded SoCal Data Science project, and one of the PIs on the NIH funded project Irvine Summer Institute in Biostatistics and Undergraduate Data Science . I teach a variety of statistics, computing, and data science classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels. I write blog posts about data, pedagogy, and data pedagogy at DataPedagogy.com . Outside of work, you might see me in a museum or an art gallery ch

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