mindscapechronologue.net - The Mindscape Chronologue

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This is the public forum of an intellectual escapist whose many interests are quite varied. Essays will venture into science, technology, history, education, economics, politics, culture, and many others. In short, this blog will deal with existence, its murky multidisciplinary nature and how it so often falls short of ideal. On occasion, insights through transformative paradigms may be formulated into possible solutions.

As we march ever closer to long advertised boundary lines for the parameters of our environment and global change, society will be pushed toward rapidly adopting green technologies that promise to stave off climate change and ecological collapse.  Yet many of these technologies may not live up to their promise and only lead to trading one crisis for another.  Sure, buying time allows for the development and adoption of other solutions, but what if overpursuing bad solutions costs far too much of the the rem

It is widely agreed upon that solar is key to a sustainable renewable energy future, but it would seem that far too much focus is placed on photovoltaics (PV).  Semiconductor based PV panels have been the subject of decades long research and development and have indeed come a long way since their debut.  When PV module first hit the market in portable calculators they were small, low power, and very inefficient.  The performance of modern panels far exceeds what early devices could do, but it still might no