mindripmovie.com - Mind Rip

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David Endicott returns to his hometown for the first time in fifteen years. Upon his arrival, there is a series of bizarre deaths, and strange creatures are seen roaming the streets. David begins to suspect that there is a connection between these strange occurrences and his brother Jack who died some twenty years ago.


We’re producing a grindhouse-style horror film that has the feel of the late 1970s or early 1980s. Mind Rip contains over-the-top thrills and tongue-in-cheek violence, making it a modern day “classic monster” movie. We’re marrying the creature effects of 1970s films with today’s digital compositing and editing techniques. Films that inspired Mind Rip include Phantasm, The Evil Dead, George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead, and John Carpenter’s The Thing. Mind Rip is made for fans of these movies, who really apprec

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