mimiwrites.blogspot.com.au - Mimi Writes.......

Description: Penned by the Founder of Blog4Peace, Mimi Lenox. A blog of inspirational stories, humor, and a passion for peace. I believe in the power of words.

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A blog of inspiration, humor, and peace Penned by Mimi Lenox, Founder of Blog4Peace

Where have I been?  It's been a minute. The entire month of June got away from me. Complications showed up. I took a fall on the porch and spent a few painful days sleeping away the bruises. Friends said, "Rest and heal!" That's sooo hard to do. I'm a terrible patient. I keep pushing through sans common sense.  Lost my writing mojo for one red hot minute while the anti-inflammatory meds became the most important task of the day - but sorely needed (pun intended). Finding courage in an antique store 2013 - R

Written by Mimi Lenox at Sunday, July 09, 2023

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