- Baton Rouge Real Estate and Property Management Services | Milton Lakvold Real Estate

Description: Milton Lakvold Real Estate works with investors, homeowners, and landlords to buy, sell, and rent residential properties in Baton Rouge.

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Whether you are buying, selling, or renting a home, we have the skills necessary to deliver an exceptional experience to our clients. Talk to A Realtor Talk to A Property Manager We Will Help You Navigate the Real Estate Market Buying and selling a home can be both exciting and stressful. What eliminates stress? Good information and proper guidance. This is where good agents come in. Our role is about providing quality information that allows for the best possible outcome and decision.

When we work with you to buy a home, you can expect reliable information and experienced negotiating skills. We will help you think about the purchase more like a business transaction. Becoming emotionally attached to a home you may want to buy is natural and normal. That’s why we’re here. We help our clients to decide if the property is priced correctly and meets all your lifestyle and budget needs.

You can expect detailed, accurate, and transparent information that will help you make the best decisions and provide for the best negotiating position.

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