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It is 2022, and Developer Relations (DevRel) and Developer eXperience (DevX) teams are to be found in almost any organization whose offering has anything to do (even if very little) with software developers. Many prominent examples prove that DevX-done-well significantly contributes to the organization’s success. Way more organizations hope to replicate the success story by merely “sprinkling a DevX spice” on top of their traditional marketing/sales-driven practices.

There is nothing wrong with that per se. A better developer experience doesn’t hurt anyone. But building it sometimes does. It may be challenging, confusing, or even frustrating for DevX professionals to constantly confront their goals with sales and marketing objectives that do not account for the nature of the target audience. Here are some hints on how to approach the situation if you are one of those professionals.

I have experience with two GPS navigation systems. My Android phone has Google Maps. My car also has one, powered by TomTom. All things being equal (as when I drive my car) both are in direct competition. I have to put my trust in one of them. I can’t objectively tell which one is better. Yet, somehow I tend to use one of them often and avoid the other.

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