- Sorbelli | live Lessons on Zoom, Skype & FaceTime Guitar Ukulele Bass & CigarBoxGuitar

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Thank you everyone. It’s time to help some Key West children & their families that need some relief/resources. I love ALL of you for any & all help spreading the word of the cause of & this details of this benefit show to support the cause.  

Having lost Nicky   Wayne   Sorbelli, our 10yr old son, after fighting blood cancer so bravely for a year, that seemed like 10, this is a top shelf priority for me & my family. I like to kick cancer in the teeth every chance I get.

It’s all so painful for Jamie & I & my dear daughter Leela – but at the end of the day – we’ve either helped, or we didn’t – but no matter the pain, the mental low LOW points, the tears, envy, jealousy, survivor guilt, guilt of the NEVER ending urge to block my bad memories in ways that are very destructive & debilitating to my mind body & soul & destructive to my family unit – I AM In this for life – I’ll help fight cancer & those fighting as long as I can in life & til death and perhaps even beyond if I c