mikeandalliemurphy.com - Mike & Allie – Creating hymns, spiritual songs, and psalms put to music for the glory of the Lord.

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Mike is a multi instrumentalist, songwriter, arranger extraordinaire with the synergistic ability to bring all types of people and music together. He currently serves as Music Director at Highlands Presbyterian Church in Ridgeland, Mississippi. You’ll find him reading a good book at the top of the stairs while his kids go to sleep or sometimes playing an Irish session downtown.

Allie  affectionately known as @thesongmom  is artistic and creative in every way. With every fiber of her being she pours into her songwriting, crafting songs full of everyday truth and beauty. You can find her playing piano in a dark room working out all of the feelings at night or sometimes sitting on the floor strumming the ukulele to her kids being silly. Hear her recent single HERE .

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