michelkataa.com - Spain Real Estate Investments – Spain Real Estate Investments

Description: Free Consultation SEND REQUEST About me My name is Michel Kataa, I am a civil engineer, real estate consultant and property hunter in the city of Valencia in Spain. I hold a Master's degree in Civil Engineering and Residential Construction from the Claude Bernard University of Lyon, France and a Master's degree in Real Estate

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My name is Michel Kataa , I am a civil engineer, real estate consultant and property hunter in the city of Valencia in Spain. I hold a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering and Residential Construction from the Claude Bernard University of Lyon, France and a Master’s degree in Real Estate and Urban Management from the Nebrija University of Madrid, Spain. I have extensive experience in the spanish real estate sector and spent years dedicating myself to House Flipping strategy in Valencia, alongside helping in

We will work together to define your needs and objectives, in addition to making a roadmap that will guide us in the fulfillment of your project and define the approximate term for its realization.

We will be in charge of setting up your utilities: electricity, gas, water, internet, TV and landline. Making sure to choose the best suppliers and offers on the market, as well as providing all the necessary information for bill payments and contract signatures.