michaelzhouwang.github.io - About - Wangchunshu. Zhou

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CS PhD student at ETH Zurich, an NLPer.

Hello! I am Wangchunshu Zhou , cofounder&CTO of AIWaves Inc. I was a Ph.D. student in the Institute of Machine Learning at ETH Zürich advised by Ryan Cotterell and Mrinmaya Sachan . I obtained my undergraduate and master’s degree at Beihang University, supervised by Ke Xu . I spent one year as a Predoctoral Young Investigator at AI2, Mosaic Team, working with Ronan Le Bras and Yejin Choi . Previously, I interned at Microsoft Research Asia with Tao Ge , and at Bytedance AI Lab with Jingjing Xu and Hang Li ,

I am actively looking for research collaborations! For master/undergrad students looking for research experience or PhD students looking for collaborations, please send me an email at [email protected] .

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